Visit by the International Academic Advisory Panel (IAAP) of the Ministry of Education

IAAP visit (27)

A 7-member delegation of the International Academic Advisory Panel (IAAP) of the Ministry of Education (MOE) visited the Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials in the afternoon of 15 June 2022 as part of their tour of NUS. They also visited the Hanger at NUS earlier the same afternoon.

The 7 members of the IAAP were :

  1. Dr Naushad Forbes, Co-Chairman, Forbes Marshall, India; Chairman, Core Working Group, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) University Project, India
  2. Prof Teruo Fujii, President, University of Tokyo, Japan
  3. Prof Dr Thomas Hofmann, President, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
  4. Mr Ben Nelson, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Minerva University, USA
  5. Prof Ilkka Niemelä, President, Aalto University, Finland
  6. Prof Louise Richardson, Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford, UK
  7. Prof Brian Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University, Australia

The IAAP were accompanied by NUS hosts President Prof. Tan Eng Chye, Provost and Senior Deputy President Prof. Ho Tech Hua,  and MOE Directors in University Policy and Higher Education.

The delegation was introduced to I-FIM by I-FIM director Prof. Kostya Novoselov before going on a short tour of I-FIM laboratories and Facilities.