The bifunctional formalism – functional design with specific functional derivatives


Dr Finzel grew up at several different places in Germany and entered a high school with a special mathematics/physics program. She first got in touch with quantum mechanical calculations during her studies in the courses of Prof. Dr. Frenking and Prof. Dr. Holthausen at Philipps University Marburg. Quickly, she became very interested in the methodology. In order to deepen this interest, she moved to the group of Prof. Grin at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids. Dr Finzel obtained her PhD in 2011 in the field of quantum chemistry with specialization on real space analysis. Her PhD work is a combination of theoretical chemistry and physics. The doctoral viva at the Technische Universitat in Dresden was administered in theoretical chemistry by Prof. Dr. Seifert as well as in theoretical physics by Prof. Dr. Schmidt. Her current interest lies in the further development of orbital-free density functional theory. Dr Finzel was able to demonstrate that it is possible to design simple one-point kinetic energy functionals yielding self-consistent electron densities from Hohenberg-Kohn variational principle exhibiting proper atomic shell structure. Lately, she could demonstrate how to achieve bonding via an abinitio, orbital-free formalism based on the bifunctional approach with subsequent atomic fragment approximation. Her future aims concentrate on the further development of orbital-free approaches, especially the construction of systematic functional hierarchies.


Dr Finzel grew up at several different places in Germany and entered a high school with a special mathematics/physics program. She first got in touch with quantum mechanical calculations during her studies in the courses of Prof. Dr. Frenking and Prof. Dr. Holthausen at Philipps University Marburg. Quickly, she became very interested in the methodology. In order to deepen this interest, she moved to the group of Prof. Grin at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids. Dr Finzel obtained her PhD in 2011 in the field of quantum chemistry with specialization on real space analysis. Her PhD work is a combination of theoretical chemistry and physics. The doctoral viva at the Technische Universitat in Dresden was administered in theoretical chemistry by Prof. Dr. Seifert as well as in theoretical physics by Prof. Dr. Schmidt. Her current interest lies in the further development of orbital-free density functional theory. Dr Finzel was able to demonstrate that it is possible to design simple one-point kinetic energy functionals yielding self-consistent electron densities from Hohenberg-Kohn variational principle exhibiting proper atomic shell structure. Lately, she could demonstrate how to achieve bonding via an abinitio, orbital-free formalism based on the bifunctional approach with subsequent atomic fragment approximation. Her future aims concentrate on the further development of orbital-free approaches, especially the construction of systematic functional hierarchies.