
Sourav Mitra
Senior Technical Manager
Office Location
Sourav Mitra is currently serving as the scientific manager, leading the core technical management and scientific support team at I-FIM. He obtained his PhD in Physics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2018, studying novel superconductors; specializing in designing and building customized cryogenic tools for magneto-transport measurement. He joined NUS in 2018 as a post-doctoral fellow in Konstantin Novoselov’s group, supporting the planning, design and construction of the cross disciplinary research facilities and implementing their functional operations. As the Senior Technical Manager of the institute, he directs his team of individual facility managers to design, source, upkeep all experimental platforms and craft policies on shared usage and utilization of the scientific infrastructure within the I-FIM premises. He is also serving as the fund manager for equipment, project administrator and as an advisor to the I-FIM business development team. As the technical specialist, he is playing an active role in I-FIM’s smart lab projects, and will seek out venture partners to build joint industrial and self-driving labs for robotics-mediated AI-enabled research.