
Research Fellow

Sergey Grebenchuk


Research Fellow

Research Interests

Magnetism, superconductivity, van der Waals materials, neuromorphic devices

Office Location


Selected Publications

Dremov, V.V., Grebenchuk, S.Y., Shishkin, A.G., Baranov, D.S., Hovhannisyan, R.A., Skryabina, O.V., Lebedev, N., Golovchanskiy, I.A., Chichkov, V.I., Brun, C., Cren, T., Krasnov, V.M., Golubov A.G., Roditchev, D., Stolyarov, V.S., Local Josephson vortex generation and manipulation with a Magnetic Force Microscope. Nature communications, 10(1), pp.1-9, 2019