
Pyi Phyo Maung
Procurement Manager
Office Location
Phyo oversees the procurement and payment functions at the I-FIM. This includes purchasing laboratory consumables, hazardous chemicals, gases, equipment servicing and maintenance and ensure the payment of all tax invoices are promptly.
Before joining the I-FIM in 2022, Phyo gained experience working in fiber optic labs as an Assistant Manager at the Nanyang Technological University, a position he held for 3 years. He has 10 years of experiences as a Research Engineer in Semiconductor R&D lab at the Institute of Microelectronics (A*Star). He also has 4 years of experiences as an Associate Engineer in Semiconductor manufacturing industry. Phyo holds a B.Sc. in Physics from University of Yangon and B.Eng. (Hons) in Electronics from SIM University Singapore.