Advanced Microscopy Suite

The advanced microscopy suite on the I-FIM premises is intended to allow cross-platform microscopy investigations of any sample by a variety of techniques. This facility is currently equipped with a state-of-the art Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), with other specialized facilities still under development. In addition, there are a diverse range of commercial episcopic and diascopic microscopes supporting various applications such as flake hunting and wire bonding, fluorescent microscopy, high speed image capture etc.  

List No. 

Key specifications for existing equipment 


A.  AFM 

Bruker Dimension XR NanoElectrical SPM with FastScan and Icon Scanners  

Available imaging modes 

    • Contact mode  
    • Tapping mode  
    • Force spectroscopy 
    • Nanomechnical property mapping  
    • Kelvin probe force microscopy  
    • Conductive AFM (with option to couple external photoexcitation)  
    • Liquid imaging mode 
    • Scanning electro chemical microscopy 



B. Optical microscope 

  1. Nikon LV‐100ND/BD DIC (Equipped with heating/cooling stage: -195⁰C to 420⁰C) 
  2. Leica TCS SP5 (Equipped with high speed camera) 
    • An inverted microscope that supports fluorescent imaging.  
    • Can be converted to a confocal microscope    
    • Currently integrated with a high-speed camera with the following specifications for ultra-fast image/video capture 
  3. Nikon LV-FM for flake hunting
    • To be integrated into the ambient transfer station with 3-axes manipulators for flake hunting and wire bonding  
    • Under construction 


C.  Fluorescent microscope 

EVOS M5000 

A fully integrated digital inverted microscope for four-color fluorescence transmitted-light and color applications. 

    • Camera 3.2 Megapixels, Monochrome, CMOS 
    • Light Source LED 
    • Objectives
      • OBJ 4X LWD PH, 0.13NA/16.9WD
      • OBJ 10X LWD PH, 0.25NA/6.9WD
      • OBJ FL 20X LWD, 0.45NA/7.1WD
      • PLAN S-APO 40X, NA0.95, 0.18MM
      • OBJ PL APO 60X, 1.42NA/0.15WD
      • OBJ FLUOR 100X OIL, 1.28/0.21