Deep-Dive Technical Discussion with DSO

DSO National Laboratories (DSO) and the Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials (I-FIM) held a joint 1-day  workshop on 11 February 2022.

Called a “Deep-dive technical discussion” the workshop brought together teams of scientists from I-FIM and from DSO to discuss projects of joint interest, with the goal of establishing collaborations in the areas of :

  • Biosensors and Photodetectors.
  • Functional nanomaterials or self-healing, anticorrosion, antifouling coatings.
  • New hybrid materials (for Strength, weight, temperature and impact)
  • Self-repairing materials
  • Machine learning
  • New Batteries and energy Storage materials

The workshop saw 19 key participants and heard 8 talks by  NUS scientists and 8 by DSO scientist.

The workshop ended with breakout discussions and informal lab tours of I-FIM. By the end of the workshop some partnerships were formed and talks to continue that would lead to joint projects.