
The Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials (I-FIM) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) was newly established on 1 September 2021. Headed by world-renowned physicists Nobel Laureate Prof. Sir Konstantin Novoselov and NUS Distinguished Prof. Antonio Castro Neto, I-FIM will be the world’s first institute dedicated to the design, synthesis, and application of Functional Intelligent Materials (FIMs). Its global vision is to create a platform to develop FIMs with predetermined properties and autonomous, dynamic functionalities which can respond to changing environmental conditions. I-FIM will then investigate the use of such materials for smart applications in various sectors of technology and medicine.

Research Positions

We are seeking outstanding candidates with strong backgrounds in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Material Science, AI and Machine-learning to fill positions of junior scientists, ranging from Senior Research Fellows to Research Assistants. Successful candidates will join an interdisciplinary community at I-FIM with the opportunity to collaborate between labs, with international research institutes and with industry.

Please submit your application via the links provided for each position below. You may also submit your enquiries to I-FIM’s career mailbox and an I-FIM staff will come back to you shortly.