A magnetic butterfly poised to advance quantum technologies

NUS researchers Assoc Prof Lu Jiong (left), Dr Song Shaotang (centre), and Prof Wu Jishan (right) were part of the multidisciplinary research team which developed the butterfly-shaped magnetic nanographene which could advance quantum technologies. [Photo from NUS News]
NUS Researchers have unveiled a groundbreaking design for next-generation carbon-based quantum materials, introducing a tiny magnetic nanographene with a distinctive butterfly shape. Led by I-FIM Principal Investigator, Associate Professor Lu Jiong, in collaboration with Professor Wu Jishan and international partners, the team’s innovation holds immense promise for advancing quantum computing technologies.

Magnetic nanographene, comprising graphene molecules, demonstrates exceptional magnetic properties due to the behavior of specific electrons in the carbon atoms’ π-orbitals. Through precise nanoscale arrangement of carbon atoms, control over these unique electrons is achieved, making nanographene a potential candidate for developing small magnets and essential components for quantum computers.

A visual impression of the magnetic “butterfly” hosting four entangled spins on “wings” (left) and its corresponding atomic-scale image obtained using scanning probe microscopy (right). [Photo from NUS News]
The butterfly-shaped magnetic graphene, with its four rounded triangles resembling wings, was meticulously crafted through atomic-precise design. Each wing hosts an unpaired π-electron responsible for the observed magnetic properties. Assoc Prof Lu highlighted the significance of this advancement, stating, “Creating multiple highly entangled spins in such systems is a daunting yet essential task for building scalable and complex quantum networks.”

The research breakthrough was published in the scientific journal Nature Chemistry on 19 February 2024. This breakthrough not only addresses existing challenges but also unlocks new avenues for precisely controlling magnetic properties at the atomic level, promising transformative developments in quantum materials research.

You can read the full article here.